It’s quick and easy to donate to ELR. You can send us a one off donation or a regular monthly amount. If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can even add Gift Aid to your donation so we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate.
Set up a small regular donation of any amount you choose, and you’ll know you’re doing your part to support the ELR and railway preservation every month.
Help us keep the ELR open and operational for the next generation by leaving us a gift in your will. It’s a lovely way to preserve your memory and our heritage. Our partners at Latimer Lee LLP will even help you write a basic will free of charge in return for a small donation to the ELR. Further details listed below.
Please quote the charity as the beneficiary:
East Lancashire Light Railway Company Ltd
At address:
36 Bolton Street Station, Bolton Street, Bury, BL9 0EY.
Charity no is 1186648.
Payment options include:
• Send a cheque payable to East Lancashire Light Railway Company Ltd to the Bolton Street Station address above.
• Pay direct to the ELR bank account (details below), quoting “donation” in the narrative of the payment.
Sort code: 01-00-04
Account no: 01088580
Name on a/c: East Lancashire Light Railway Company Ltd
Bank name: NatWest plc
IBAN: GB29 NWBK 0100 0401 0885 80
If you would like to remember family and friends at the East Lancashire Railway, your support for our ongoing fundraising efforts would be greatly appreciated. Though we don’t currently have availability for individual memorial benches or plaques, this may well change in time and with facility extensions.
A plaque commemorating all the Pioneers, working members and supporters, past and present, has been erected on Platform 2 and we lay a wreath in their memory every year.
If you shop online, you can support the ELR every time you buy something! Just sign up for free at Easyfundraising, and then start your shopping there. Search for the website you want, click through and shop as normal. We then get a small referral fee to say thank you for your business!
We need your help. We are looking to complete the restoration of LMS Jinty 47324 (affectionately known as “Jimmy”) to help provide locomotive operations along the ELR for future generations.
We hope to be able to enhance the progress of this engine’s restoration with the aim of seeing her on our track by 2023. Any donations would be appreciated. Jinty JustGiving Page
We hold regular raffles to raise funds for the railway. You can support us by buying tickets – and you might just win a brilliant prize!